
And We Rise?

“Love Others As I Have Loved You”


And We Rise brings a Systemic Change design format utilizing areas of interest as launching platforms, for long term social good opportunities for our youth. 

AWR’s format utilizes electronic gaming methodology as a unique launching platform for social good initiatives, by way of trending and stimulating activities.

Areas of Interest for Our Churches, Mosques and Youth Centers:

  •  Offer Churches a solution to 2 critical issues utilizing “e-Gaming” 
  • That allows – “Youth Retention & Academic launching platforms for Continuing Education”… 
  • Bring Educational and Vocational programs to the mosques and churches, opening young minds to a future beyond life’s current limitations…
  1. The AWR gaming platform serves as both a desired social activity as well as a methodology for valuable life lesson exchanges…
  2. Serving as a delivery conduit for Educational & Vocational training. AWR may likely be a complimentary after school community support to financially starved public school program access… 
  3. AWR infrastructure and collaborating university interaction under “cyber tech mediums” will virtualize the delivery of gaming & programming, removing many typical social divide obstacles, while again providing to the young AWR participants, greater self confidence  and direction  towards possible interesting careers…

Areas of Interest for our Youth:

  1. AWR helps create the Media Gaming Center “Exclusively for them”.  An environment within each church building specifically as their gathering place…  
  2. AWR helps set up a virtualized delivery of electronic gaming skill  development…
  3. “You mean I can earn money doing what I love?” AWR’s teaching curriculum also includes training for streaming platforms. This may be of  interest to some of the young gamers. They can learn how, over time, they may be able to earn monthly subscriber fees while building up a broad viewing audience…
  4. Also of note is that “Competition becomes Competency,” potentially transitioning youthful apathy and indifference into self-achievement mileposts and close proximity to viewing future careers in a variety of disciplines…

Ready To Begin?

We’ll guide you through your entire journey, step by step.